Bicycle Face (2016)
Neva (January 2016)

STATUS: January 2016
PRODUCER: Shock Pulse
STATUS: Pre-Production
RELEASE: Webseries
The Agreeables (2016)
STATUS: Pre-Production
​RELEASE: Independent Film
Romeo and Juliet 
STATUS:  October 2016
Shakespeare in the Shed
"The show stars Anna Safar, a first-rate comic actress.”
-The Pitch, Kansas City

"Safar skillfully balances Karen's vulnerability, 
exasperation and sudden discovery of happiness..."
-Robert Trussell, The Kansas City Star.

"As Karen, Safar gushes, flirts and pouts like a champion coquette."
-The Pitch, Kansas City

"The world premiere at the Unicorn Theatre, 
directed by Cynthia Levin 
and featuring a superior cast and inspired design team, 
works its will on a receptive audience."
-Robert Trussell, The Kansas City Star.

"Teensy Anna Safar, as the meddling maid Dorine, romps through the first act, engaged in wicked play. Beaming a surly smile, she scoots about the stage like a mechanical figure in a glockenspiel. Sometimes she'll strike a ballet position while dishing out insults and advice in an earthy, Jersey-girl snarl. Director Theodore Swetz sets many scenes to the pace of a metronome, and Safar keeps a constant, fidgety time, sometimes bouncing to the beat of Moliere's couplets, often stamping her foot to punctuate her lines. Her Dorine is a rare creation: The accent, the faces, the lines, the movements, the voice – they’re all funny. 
Part ballerina and part R2D2, this Safar is funny every moment she's onstage."
-The Pitch, Kansas City

"This Property is Condemned 
provides us with the first glimpse, 
in this case played by Anna Safar as Willie. 
Her child-woman is a true daughter of the South 
with rising inflections, a drawl you could cut with a knife, 
and sudden changes of mood 
that shock the audience with their swiftness. 
Safar does an exceptional job 
of bringing the youthful character to life."
-KC Active News

"Neely carries the show, and she is at the center of most scenes. 
She's tiny, but she talks big, her voice a daggerlike singsong. 
She's also funny and touching, often showing merely hints of those sarcasm-scabbed wounds."
-The Pitch, Kansas City

Anna Safar is the show's comic peak, 
a teensy dowager swaddled in furs and delusions.
-The Pitch, Kansas City

"Anna Safar (as a pipsqueak thug serving Woland) 
comes across with greater authority than ever."
-The Pitch, Kansas City

"Anna Safar as Romaine Patterson, 
Matthew's best friend and the organizer of Angel Action, 
made me both laugh and cry at the same time at the end of the show."
-Josh and Josh Reviews

Safar twinkle-toes about, all girlish excitement and adolescent longing, applying her considerable comic gifts to the role but also daring to grate a little. Her Thomasina wants to be darling and tries to be darling, and sometimes isn't at all. (This I found darling.)
-The Pitch, Kansas City

Green Whales
This Property Is Condemned
The Secret Lives of Losers
Present Laughter
Master and Margarita
The Laramie Project
Anna has been performing around the country on stages for over a decade. Follow this site to find the latest information on Anna's current projects.  
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